[ discography ]
Francisco López's discography - total number of known releases (all formats / last update: March 2021): 637 releases
> rel. = date of release
>> res. = date of reissue

[w/ David Myers, Illusion of Safety, John Hudak, Minóy, Zan Hoffman, Scot Konzelmann, Richard Franecki, Michael Gendreau, Steve Peters and John Wiggins]
> rel. 1993 - CD Geometrik, Spain ()
>> res. 2003 - CD Geometrik, Spain ()

> rel. 1995 - CD Linea Alternativa, Spain

> rel. 1995 - CD Trente Oiseaux, Germany (website)
>> res. 1998 - CD Trente Oiseaux, Germany (website)

> rel. 1996 - CD Trente Oiseaux, Germany (website)
>> res. 1998 - CD Trente Oiseaux, Germany (website)

> rel. 1997 - CD ND, USA
>> res. 2002 - CD Alien8 Recordings, Canada ()

> rel. 1997 - CD Table of the Elements, USA
>> res. 2003 - CD Authorised Version, UK ()

> rel. 1997 - CD Sedimental, USA ()

> rel. 1998 - double CD Línea Alternativa, Spain

> rel. 1998 - V2_Archief, The Netherlands ()
>> res. 2001 - CD V2_Archief, The Netherlands ()
![untitled [1981-1983]](images/u81.jpg)
> rel. 1999 - mini CD, Staalplaat, The Netherlands ()

[w/ Michael Gendreau, Zan Hoffman, Michael Northam, John Hudak, Gen Ken Montgomery and Steve Peters]
> rel. 1999 - CD Staalplaat, The Netherlands ()

> rel. 1999 - CD Pre-Feed, Italy
>> res. 2002 - CD [Ohm] Records, Norway ()

> rel. 2000 - CD Alien8recordings, Canada ()
>> res. 2001 - CD Alien8recordings, Canada ()

[w/ Michael Northam]
> rel. 2000 - CD .absolute.[seattle], USA

[w/ Amy Denio]
> rel. 2000 - CD .absolute.[seattle], USA

[w/ Zbigniew Karkowski]
> rel. 2001 - double CD .absolute.[london], UK ()

[w/ John Duncan]
> rel. 2001 - double CD .absolute.[osaka]/Allquestions, Japan/Italy ()
![buildings [new york]](images/buildings.jpg)
> rel. 2001 - V2_Archief, The Netherlands ()
> rel. 2001 - Subsound Records, Australia (website)

[w/ Joe Colley]
> rel. 2001 - miniCD Antifrost, Greece (website)

[w/ Peter Rehberg and Zbigniew karkowski]
> rel. 2001 - CD Arms, Japan ()

> rel. 2002 - CD Alien8 Recordings, Canada ()

[w/ Steve Roden]
> rel. 2002 - CD Fario, France ()

> rel. 2003 - CD Bottrop Boy, Germany ()

[w/ Zbigniew Karkowski]
> rel. 2003 - miniCD Noise Asia, China ()

[w/ Marc Behrens]
> rel. 2004 - doubleCD .absolute.[koblenz], Germany (website)

[w/ Andrey Kiritchenko]
> rel. 2005 - CD NexSound, Ukraine (website)

[w/ Scott Arford]
> rel. 2005 - CD Low Impedance Recordings, Greece (website)

[w/ Jodi Rose, Steve Peters, Cécile Martin, Nicolas Rousseau, z'ev, Ilios, Jakub Mikolajczyk and Knut]
> rel. 2006 - CD MoSo, USA (website)

> rel. 2006 - miniCD Purple Soil (Czech Republic) (website)

[w/ over 50 participating artists]
> rel. 2006 - CD Blossoming Noise, USA (website)

[w/ Z'ev]
> rel. 2006 - CD Lapilli, UK (website)

[w/ Ilios]
> rel. 2006 - CD Antifrost, Greece (website)
![untitled [2006-2007]](images/55.jpg)
> rel. 2008 double CD Monochrome Vision, Russia (website)

[w/ Michael Gendreau]
> rel. 2008 - CD Sonoris, France (website)

[w/ Lawrence English]
> rel. 2009 - CD Baskaru, France (website)

> rel. 2009 - 5-CD Box Kairos, Austria (website)

[w/ Richard Francis]
> rel. 2009 – CD Extrapool / Korm Plastics, The Netherlands (www.extrapool.nl / www.kormplastics.nl)
CD67. KRMN [ • rec. 2010 ]
[w/ Maurizio Bianchi]
> rel. 2011 - CD Important Records, USA (website)
CD68. Fango de Euriptéridos [ • rec. 1990 ]
> rel. 2011 – 3"CD Agxivatein, Greece (website)
CD69. Quartet for the End of Space [ • rec. 2010-11 ]
[w/ Pauline Oliveros, Doug van Nort, Jonas Braastch]
> rel. 2011 – CD Pogus Prods., USA (website)
CD70. Elektra Bidasoa [ • rec. 2010 ]
[w/ Xabier Erkizia]
> rel. 2011 – CD Ferns Recordings., France (website)& AudioLab, Spain (website)
CD71. Titans [ • rec. 2010 ]
[w/ Novi_sad]
> rel. 2011 – CD GH Records., Spain (website)
CD72. untitled single piece 3 [ • rec. 1996 ]
> rel. 2011 – 3"CD Buh Records., Peru (website)
CD73. untitled #275 [ • rec. 2011]
[w/ Reinier van Houdt]
> rel. 2011 – CD unsounds, The Netherlands (website)
CD74. untitled (2009) [ • rec. 2009]
> rel. 2011 – double CD Baskaru, France (website)
CD75. untitled #284 [ • rec. 2011]
> rel. 2012 – CD Crónica, Portugal (website)
CD76. untitled (2010) [ • rec. 2010]
> rel. 2012 – double CD Alone At Last, Russia (website)
CD77. 1980 / 2010 [ • rec. 1980/2010]
> rel. 2012 – double CD Nunn Records, France (website)
> res. 2013 – double CD nowhere, worldwide
CD78. BM-01 [ • rec. 2010-12]
as “BioMechanica” w/ Arturo Lanz
> rel. 2012 – CD Geometrik Records, Spain (website)
CD79. Lith [ • rec. 2007-11]
w/ Aernoudt Jacobs
> rel. 2013 – double CD Subrosa, Belgium (website)
CD80. untitled(1993) [ • rec. 1993]
> rel. 2013 – 3"CD Reductive, Spain (website)
CD81. ERM [ • rec. 2012]
w/ Luca Sigurtà
> rel. 2013 – CD Fratto9, Italy (website)
CD82. With/In [ • rec. 2012]
w/ Valentina Lacmanovic
> rel. 2013 – CD Silentes, Italy (website)
CD83. Tlaloc [ • rec. 1991]
w/ Jorge Reyes
> rel. 2013 – CD Ruido Horrible, Mexico (website)
> res. 2015 – CD Discos Histeria Colectiva, Mexico (website)
CD84. untitled #308 [ • rec. 2009-2013]
> rel. 2013 – CD Very Quiet Records, UK (website)
CD85. JAALJTH [ • rec. 2012-2013]
w/ Michael Esposito
> rel. 2014 – CD Geräuschmanufaktur, Germany (website)
CD86. Hyper-Rainforest [ • rec. 2011]
> rel. 2014 – CD Nowhere, Worldwide
CD87. Yanayacu [ • rec. 2011]
> rel. 2014 – CD Nowhere, Worldwide
CD88. untitled#290 [ • rec. 2011]
> rel. 2014 – CD Sad-Tokyo, Japan (website)
CD89. untitled (2011) [ • rec. 2011]
> rel. 2014 – CD Nefryt, Poland (website)
CD90. untitled #281 [ • rec. 2011]
> rel. 2014 – CD Störung, Spain (website)
w/ Miguel A. Ruiz
> rel. 2014 – CD Toracic, Spain (website)
CD92. OBATALÁ - IBOFANGA [ • rec. 2014]
> rel. 2014 – CD Nowhere, Worldwide
CD93. JAPAN TOUR REMIX [ • rec. 2014]
as “BioMechanica” w/ Arturo Lanz
> rel. 2014 – CD Suezan Studio, Japan (website)
CD94. udhv Gibel [ • rec. 2014]
w/ Domenico Sciajno
> rel. 2014 – CD Bowindo Recordings, Italy (website)
CD97. TAWHIRIMATEA [ • rec. 2015]
> rel. 2015 – CD Nowhere, Worldwide
CD96. 1980-82 [ • rec. 1980-82]
> rel. 2015 – CD Nowhere, Worldwide
CD95. untitled#274 [ • rec. 2011]
w/ Kasper T. Toeplitz
> rel. 2015 – CD Important Records, USA (website)

[w/ Jorge Simonet]
> rel. 2002 - DVD edition..., USA ()

> rel. 2006 - DVD Contemporary Art Center La Panera, Spain (website)

> rel. 2010 - DVD National Film Board, Canada (website)

data DVD w/7h audio-only files
> rel. 2014 - DVD Line, USA (website)

> rel. 1996 - 7" Drone Records, Germany (website)

> rel. 1997 - 7" Povertech Industries, USA ()

> rel. 2000 - 7" KlangGalerie, Austria ()

> rel. 2001 - 7" Diskono, UK ()

> rel. 2006 - 4 x 7" Eozoön Editions, Spain ()

[w/ Michael Gendreau]
> rel. 2006 - split LP C.I.P., USA (website)

[w/ Mykel Boyd]
> rel. 2006 - split 10" Somnimage, USA (website)

> rel. 2006 - 7" lathe (one-copy edition) 33.99 Records, Germany (website)

[w/ GX Jupitter-Larsen]
> rel. 2011 – 10" Phage Tapes, USA

as "BioMechanica" w/Arturo Lanz
> rel. 2012 – LP Geometrik Records, Spain (website)

> rel. 2014 – LP God Records, Germany (website)

[audio + video]
> rel. 2002 - Falsch, Germany (website)

> rel. 2002 - Silophone, Canada (website)

> rel. 2009 - The Belsona Academy, USA (website)

> rel. 2010 - Radio Web MACBA, Spain (website)

> rel. 2011 - Insubordinations / Tsuku Tsuku Grammophon, France (website)

> rel. 2013 - The Global Climate CHange Music Project, Australia (website)

> rel. 2013 - Kinokophonography Radio Retrospective, Kinokophone, UK (website)

> rel. 2014 - Interference Journal, Ireland (website)

> rel. 1983 - C-90 Anomma, Spain

> rel. 1983 - C-60 Anomma, Spain

> rel. 1983 - C-60 Anomma, Spain

> rel. 1983 - C-60 Anomma, Spain

> rel. 1983 - C-30 Anomma, Spain

> rel. 1984 - C-90 Anomma, Spain

> rel. 1984 - C-60 Anomma, Spain

> rel. 1984 - C-60 Anomma, Spain

> rel. 1985 - C-20 Anomma, Spain

> rel. 1985 - C-20 Anomma, Spain

> rel. 1986 - C-60 A, Spain

> rel. 1986 - C-60 A, Spain

> rel. 1986 - C-60 A, Spain

> rel. 1986 - C-60 A, Spain

> rel. 1986 - C-60 STI, Spain

> rel. 1986 - C-40 Esplendor Geométrico, Spain

> rel. 1986 - C-1 Grand Mal Editions, Spain

split cassette w/ Miguel A. Ruiz
> rel. 1987 - C-30 IEP, Spain

> rel. 1987 - C-60 Anomma, Spain

> rel. 1989 - C-60 Nihilistic Recordings, The Netherlands

> rel. 1989 - C-40 Toracic Tapes, Spain

w/Emilia Loseva
> rel. 1989 - C-60 Anomma, Spain

> rel. 1989 - C-60 Anomma, Spain

w/Rafael Flores
> rel. 1990 - 2xC-40 Tonspur Tapes, Germany

> rel. 1990 - C-40 Grabaciones Góticas, Spain

> rel. 1990 - C-30 Hyades Arts, Spain
C27. UASICM 4: Tlaloc [ • rec. 1991]
w/Jorge Reyes
> rel. 1991 - C-40 Toracic Tapes, Spain
>> res. 1993 - C-40 Obuh Records, Poland

> rel. 1992 - C-30 Línea Alternativa, Spain
C29. Fango de Euriptéridos [ • rec. 1990 ]
> rel. 1992 - C-60 Hyades Arts, Spain
>> res. 1993 - C-60 ALternate Media, UK

w/Miguel A. Ruiz
> rel. 1992 - C-60 Toracic Tapes, Spain
>> rel. 1993 - C-60 Irre Tapes, Germany

> rel. 1992 - C-30 Bizarr Verlag, Germany

> rel. 1993 - C-40 Anomma, Spain

> rel. 1993 - C-30 Bizarr Verlag, Germany

Split cassette w/ Anton Saier
> rel. 1993 - C-30 Bizarr Verlag, Germany

> rel. 1993 - C-40 Línea Alternativa, Spain

Split cassette w/Alio Die
> rel. 1994 - C-20 ND, USA

w/David Myers, Illusion of Safety, John Hudak, Minóy, Zan Hoffman, Scot Konzelmann, Richard Franecki, Michael Gendreau, Steve Peters, John Wiggins
> rel. 1995 - C-90 Obuh Records, Poland

> rel. 1993 - C-60 Jack Straw Productions, USA
C39. Paris Hiss [ • rec. 1996 ]
> rel. 1997 - C-60 Banned Productions, USA
>> res. 2011 - C-60 Banned Productions, USA (website)

> rel. 1999 - 2xC-60 Radar, Spain

w/Zan Hofmann
> rel. 2011 - C-30 The Tape Worm, UK (website)
split cassette w/Carlos Villena
> rel. 2011 - C-40 Mantricum, Spain (website)C43. Hypogeion [ • rec. 1992 ]
> rel. 2011 - C-40 Mantricum, Spain (website)
C44. LYSIOSQUILLA / GAUSSIA [ • rec. 1985]
> rel. 2014 - C-60 Geräuschmanufaktur, Germany (website)
C45. 1980-82 [ • rec. 1980-82]
> rel. 2015 - C-60 Art Metropole, Canada (website)
OF1. untitled #272 [antarctica variations] [ • rec. 2009-10 ]
> rel. 2011 - Memory drive 24h mp3s, Somnimage, USA (website)
OF2. untitled #276 [ • rec. 2011 ]
> rel. 2011 - Audio + Data 2 CDs, Artist Self-Edition of 10+4 signed copies
OF3. untitled #305 [ • rec. 2013 ]
> rel. 2013 - SD-HC 4GB Memory Card 56h mp3s, Artist Self-Edition
OF4. La Selva [ • rec. 1997 ]
> rel. 2015 - USB Flat Memory Card with Non-Audio Blank Etched LP Vinyl, SubRosa, Belgium (website)
comp1. untitled [ • rec. 1984 ]
> rel. 1984 - compilation "A Ratio of Aurographs" cassette Xerox Sutra Editions, USA
comp2. Sima [ • rec. 1985 ]
> rel. 1985 - compilation "Necronomicón vol. 3” cassette Necronomicón, Spain
comp3. Paloma tiene ahora ojos compuestos [ • rec. 1985 ]
> rel. 1985 - compilation "La chair entre les lignes” cassette Les Ballets Mecaniques, France
comp4. Messor structor [ • rec. 1985 ]
> rel. 1985 - compilation "Codex” cassette IEP, Spain
comp5. Estomatópodos [ • rec. 1986 ]
> rel. 1986 - compilation "Space, Shuttle & Roll vol. 1” cassette Alien Artists, Germany
comp6. Pieire I & II [ • rec. 1991 ]
> rel. 1992 - compilation "Audioscope” CD Geometrik, Spain
comp7. El mundo después de la invasión de los zorápteros [ • rec. 1994 ]
> rel. 1995 - compilation "Discontact 2” CD CEC, Canada
comp8. Un recorrido bajo el engranaje de la máquina de viento y arena [ • rec. 1995 ]
> rel. 1995 - compilation "Abriendo la ciudad del sol habitado” CD Zwerg Prods., Germany
comp9. Implantation de 10 machines [ • rec. 1996 ]
> rel. 1997 - compilation "Régénération / Dégénérescence” CD Kaon, France
comp10. untitled piece for Abbey & Scot [ • rec. 1996 ]
> rel. 1997 - compilation "Links Outta Here” CD Generator, USA
comp11. untitled piece for RLW [ • rec. 1997 ]
> rel. 1997 - compilation "Tulpas” 5xCD Selektion, Germany
comp12. untitled #76 [ • rec. 1997 ]
> rel. 1997 - compilation "Decay” CD Ash International, UK
comp13. untitled piece from McCarren Park [ • rec. 1997 ]
> rel. 1998 - compilation "Psycho geographical Dip” CD GD Stereo, USA
comp14. untitled #78 [ • rec. 1997 ]
> rel. 1998 - compilation "Just About Now” CD V2_Archief, The Netherlands
comp15. untitled #79 [ • rec. 1998 ]
> rel. 1998 - compilation "RAS vol. 3” CD Revista de Arte Sonoro, Spain
comp16. untitled #80 [ • rec. 1998 ]
> rel. 1998 - compilation "Roma. A Soundscape Remix” CD Noteworks, Germany
comp17. untitled music from Geography (excerpt) [ • rec. 1997 ]
> rel. 1998 - compilation "Sonar 98” CD Advanced Music, Spain
comp18. untitled #82 [ • rec. 1998 ]
> rel. 1999 - compilation "Ballet Radar” CD Radar, Spain
comp19. untitled #85 [ • rec. 1998 ]
> rel. 1999 - compilation “[R] ISO / CHALL” CD Mego, Austria
comp20. untitled #87 [ • rec. 1999 ]
> rel. 2000 - compilation “The Architecture of the Incidental” CD GD Stereo, USA
comp21. Live at Highland Grounds [ • rec. 1996 ]
> rel. 2000 - compilation “Sonar 2000” CD Advanced Music, Spain
comp22. El sueño del hombre de café [ • rec. 1993 ]
> rel. 2000 - compilation “Observatori 2000” CD Subterfuge Records, Spain
comp23. Live at Metronom [ • rec. 2000 ]
> rel. 2000 - compilation “Metronom Gallery 2000” CD Metronom, Spain
comp24. Live at Metronom [ • rec. 2000 ]
> rel. 2000 - compilation “Metronom Gallery 2000” Catalog + CDRom Metronom, Spain
comp25. La Selva (excerpt) [ • rec. 1998 ]
> rel. 2000 - compilation “Soundscapes before 2000” CD Ssc, The Netherlands
comp26. La Selva (excerpt) [ • rec. 1998 ]
> rel. 2000 - compilation “The Dreams of Gaia” CD EarthEar, USA
comp27. untitled [ • rec. 1999 ]
> rel. 2000 - compilation “New Year’s Eve 2000 - The Archive” CD Barely Auditable Records, USA
comp28. untitled #88 [ • rec. 1999 ]
> rel. 2000 - compilation “Fear Drop Magazine 7” CD Fear Drop, France
comp29. untitled #93 [ • rec. 1999 ]
> rel. 2000 - compilation “Lockers” LP ERS, The Netherlands
comp30. untitled #94 [ • rec. 1999 ]
> rel. 2000 - compilation “New Forms” CD Galerie fuer Zetig. Kunst, Germany
comp31. untitled #100 [ • rec. 2000 ]
> rel. 2000 - compilation “MSB Magazine 5” CD MSBR, Japan
comp32. untitled #86 [ • rec. 1998 ]
> rel. 2001 - compilation “The Sound of Nature / The Nature of Sound” CD Kaon, France
comp33. untitled #88 & untitled #97 [ • rec. 1999 ]
> rel. 2001 - compilation “Musicworks Magazine 82” CD+Magazine Musicworks, Canada
comp34. untitled #112 [ • rec. 2001 ]
> rel. 2001 - compilation “Rolex” CD Smalltown Supersound, Norway
comp35. untitled single piece 5 (excerpt) [ • rec. 1998 ]
> rel. 2001 - compilation “90% Wasser” CD 90% Wasser, Germany
comp36. untitled #124 [ • rec. 2001 ]
> rel. 2001 - compilation “Ringtones” CD Touch, UK
comp37. untitled #95 [ • rec. 1999 ]
> rel. 2001 - compilation “Helene Marie: Reinterpretations” CD Alluvial Recordings, USA
comp38. untitled #96 [ • rec. 1999 ]
> rel. 2001 - compilation “10x10” Multiple cassette Banned Productions, USA
comp39. Live at Electrograph Festival, Athens [ • rec. 2001 ]
> rel. 2001 - compilation “fb50” CD fals.ch, Switzerland
comp40. untitled #113 (for Iannis Xenakis) [ • rec. 2001 ]
> rel. 2002 - compilation “Iannis Xenakis – Persepolis Remixes” CD Asphodel, USA
comp41. untitled #131 [ • rec. 2002 ]
> rel. 2002 - compilation “Suffer / Enjoy” CD Antifrost, Greece
comp42. Buildings [New York] (excerpt) [ • rec. 2001 ]
> rel. 2002 - compilation “Prix Ars Electronica CyberArts 2002” CD Ars Electronica, Austria
comp43. untitled #126 [ • rec. 2001 ]
> rel. 2002 - compilation “Blind Date” CD Alku, Spain
comp44. untitled #118 [ • rec. 2001 ]
> rel. 2002 - compilation “lowercase sound 2002” CD Bremsstrahlung Recordings, USA
comp45. untitled #121 [ • rec. 2001 ]
> rel. 2002 - compilation “Underconstructing 03” CD Underconstructing, Japan
comp46. untitled #138 [ • rec. 2002 ]
> rel. 2003 - compilation “gein V.1” CD Eklegein Recordings, Mexico
comp47. untitled #120 [ • rec. 2001 ]
> rel. 2003 - compilation “Silents” CD Effe, Japan
comp48. untitled #101 [ • rec. 2000 ]
> rel. 2003 - compilation “Or MD Comp” CD Or / Touch, UK
comp49. untitled #140 [ • rec. 2002 ]
> rel. 2003 - compilation “Monovolumen” CD Discosnoise, Argentina
comp50. untitled #117 [ • rec. 2001 ]
> rel. 2003 - compilation “Fuga Jurásica 3” CD Fuga Records, Argentina
comp51. Tonhaus / untitled #123 / Buildings [New York] (excerpts) [ • rec. 1993-2001 ]
> rel. 2003 - compilation “Earshot Magazine 4” CD + Magazine Earshot, UK
comp52. Live at Volt-AA [ • rec. 2002 ]
> rel. 2003 - compilation “Volt-AA” CD Oral, Canada
comp53. untitled #142 [ • rec. 2003 ]
> rel. 2003 - compilation “Void / Full” CD Antifrost, Greece
comp54. untitled #101 [ • rec. 2000 ]
> rel. 2003 - compilation “Framework 2003” CD Resonance Framework, UK
comp55. untitled #102 [ • rec. 2000 ]
> rel. 2004 - compilation “A Call for Silence” CD+book Sonic Arts Netwrok, UK
comp56. untitled #103 [ • rec. 2000 ]
> rel. 2004 - compilation “Bias 2003 – Sound Art Collective of Taiwan” CD EtatLab, Taiwan
comp57. untitled #115 [ • rec. 2001 ]
> rel. 2004 - compilation “Splitting bits, closing loops: sound on sound” CD + Magazine Leonardo Music Journal, USA
comp58. untitled #127 (absolute spoot) [ • rec. 2002 ]
> rel. 2004 - compilation “Fuga Experimental” CD Fuga Records, Argentina
comp59. untitled #133 [ • rec. 2002 ]
> rel. 2004 - compilation “Record of Shadows Infinite” CD Crucial Blast, USA
comp60. untitled #134 [ • rec. 2002 ]
> rel. 2004 - compilation “Twenty-Three” CD Intransitive Recordings, USA
comp61. La Selva (excerpt) [ • rec. 1998 ]
> rel. 2004 - compilation “Toon Festival 2004” CD Toon Festival, The Netherlands
comp62. untitled #144 [ • rec. 2003 ]
> rel. 2004 - compilation “Dissolution Tapes” CD Zeromoon, USA
comp63. untitled interview [ • rec. 2001 ]
> rel. 2004 - compilation “NorNoise” DVD Ohm Records, Norway
comp64. untitled #162 [ • rec. 2004 ]
> rel. 2004 - compilation “Encyclopedia-RW” CD Antifrost, Greece
comp65. untitled #153 [ • rec. 2003 ]
> rel. 2004 - compilation “Observer Drift” CD Authorised Version, UK
comp66. untitled #164 (excerpt) [ • rec. 2004 ]
> rel. 2004 - compilation “This Place is Dreaming” CD K-RAA-K, Belgium
comp67. Live in Taipei (excerpt) [ • rec. 2004 ]
> rel. 2004 - compilation “Sound Watch” CD Sound Watch, Taipei
comp68. untitled #151 [ • rec. 2003 ]
> rel. 2004 - compilation “Rural Psychogeography” CD NexSound, Ukraine
comp69. SRTT-946 [ • rec. 1994 ]
> rel. 2004 - compilation “Electronic Disturbance” CD ThisCo, Portugal
comp70. untitled #168 [ • rec. 2004 ]
> rel. 2005 - compilation “Singing Bridges – Vibrations: Variations” CD Sonic Artstar, Australia
comp71. untitled #164 (excerpt) [ • rec. 2004 ]
> rel. 2005 - compilation “Homenaje Madrid” CD Homenaje, Spain
comp72. untitled #165 [ • rec. 2004 ]
> rel. 2005 - compilation “Go-Cat-Man-Do” CD Monotype, Poland
comp73. untitled #139 [ • rec. 2002 ]
> rel. 2005 - compilation ““.C.Works” CD The Locus of Assemblage, UK / Zeromoon, USA / Sonora, Puerto Rico
comp74. untitled #148 [ • rec. 2003 ]
> rel. 2005 - compilation “An Anthology of Noise and Electronic Music / Third a-Chronology” CD SubRosa, Belgium
comp75. untitled live interview & mixed recordings [ • rec. 2004 ]
> rel. 2005 - compilation “Musique Concrete: The Art of Noises” CD ABC Radio, Australia
comp76. untitled #143 [ • rec. 2003 ]
> rel. 2005 - compilation “TV Pow – Burned Bridges and Lost Loves” CD Bottrop-Boy, Germany
comp77. untitled #125 [ • rec. 2001 ]
> rel. 2005 - compilation “Erratum 4” CD Erratum, France
comp78. untitled #177 [ • rec. 2005 ]
> rel. 2005 - compilation “Ghost Transmissions” CD Curious, Belgium / Cubitt, UK
comp79. untitled #154 [ • rec. 2004 ]
> rel. 2006 - compilation “Knut - Alter” CD Hydra Head, USA / Conspiracy, UK
comp80. untitled #110 [ • rec. 2001 ]
> rel. 2006 - compilation “Hungry Ghosts” CD Merchants of Sound, USA
comp81. untitled #163 (for Pierre Schaeffer) [ • rec. 2004 ]
> rel. 2006 - compilation “Soundtrack for Variable Fiction by Chatonsky” CD Ytterbium, France
comp82. untitled sonic microorganisms (excerpt) [ • rec. 2005 ]
> rel. 2006 - compilation “Prix Ars Electronica – CyberArts 2007” CD Ars Electronica, Austria
comp83. untitled #188 (excerpt) [ • rec. 2006 ]
> rel. 2006 - compilation “Montreal Sound Matter” CD Pogus Productions, USA
comp84. untitled #190 [ • rec. 2006 ]
> rel. 2007 - compilation “Music No Music” CD Vibrö, France
comp85. untitled #192 [ • rec. 2006 ]
> rel. 2007 - compilation “Exploraciones Cotidianas” CD Fuga Records, Argentina
comp86. untitled #200 [ • rec. 2007 ]
> rel. 2007 - compilation “Audible Geography” CD Institute of Australian Geographers, Australia
comp87. untitled #203 [ • rec. 2007 ]
> rel. 2007 - compilation “Airport Symphony (1)” CD Room40, Australia
comp88. untitled #194 [ • rec. 2006 ]
> rel. 2007 - compilation “Less-Lethal Vol. 1” CD Alku, Spain
comp89. untitled #195 [ • rec. 2006 ]
> rel. 2007 - compilation “Happy New Ears Festival 2007” CD Gonzo, Belgium
comp90. untitled #198 [ • rec. 2007 ]
> rel. 2007 - compilation “HMMM Remix” CD le-son 666, Canada
comp91. untitled #209 [ • rec. 2007 ]
> rel. 2007 - compilation “Autumn Soundscapes” CD Mandorla, Mexico
comp92. untitled #193 [ • rec. 2006 ]
> rel. 2008 - compilation “Escaping from Color – Rapoon Recomposed & Remixed” CD Quasi Pop, Ukraine
comp93. untitled #200 [ • rec. 2007 ]
> rel. 2008 - compilation “Dérives” CD universinternational, France
comp94. untitled #190 [ • rec. 2006 ]
> rel. 2008 - compilation “Avontuurlijke Muziek in Brabant 08/09” CD Gonzo, Belgium
comp95. untitled #210 [ • rec. 2007 ]
> rel. 2008 - compilation “Zelphabet.com” CD GX Jupitter-Larsen, USA
comp96. untitled #202 [ • rec. 2007 ]
> rel. 2008 - compilation “Victoriaville Matière Sonore” CD Victo Records, Canada
comp97. untitled #223 [ • rec. 2009 ]
> rel. 2009 - compilation “Noise vs. Subversive Computing” CD Computationally Infeasible, Denmark
comp98. untitled #221 [ • rec. 2009 ]
> rel. 2009 - compilation “Redrawn” CD Machine Fabriek, The Netherlands
comp99. untitled #219 [ • rec. 2008 ]
> rel. 2009 - compilation “Whale Music Remixed” CD Terra Nova, USA
comp100. untitled #222 [ • rec. 2009 ]
> rel. 2009 - compilation “Otherliness” CD HAG, UK
comp101. untitled #225 [ • rec. 2009 ]
> rel. 2009 - compilation “Birmingham Sound Matter” CD Audio Bulb, UK
comp102. untitled #194 [ • rec. 2006 ]
> rel. 2009 - compilation “A Cleansing Ascension” CD Elevator Bath, USA
comp103. untitled #0908 [ • rec. 2008 ]
> rel. 2009 - compilation “Geuidpost” CD Lokaal01 / Universaal Kunst, The Netherlands
comp104. untitled #151 [ • rec. 2003 ]
> rel. 2009 - compilation “Micro-Bionic. Radical Electronic Music & Sound Art in the 21st Century” book+CD Creation Books, USA
comp105. untitled #237 [ • rec. 2009 ]
> rel. 2010 - compilation “The Year 25 / 25 Years of Korm Plastics” Cassette Korm Plastics, The Netherlands
comp106. (several untitled pieces) [ • rec. 1993-2007 ]
> rel. 2010 - compilation “RadioWeb MACBA” CD Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona, Spain
comp107. semillas de pájaro [ • rec. 1993 ]
> rel. 2010 - compilation “Qwartz 6” CD Qwartz, France
comp108. untitled #217 [ • rec. 2008 ]
> rel. 2010 - compilation “RRR-1000 Locked Grooves” LP RRRecords, USA
comp109. untitled #239 [ • rec. 2009 ]
> rel. 2010 - compilation “Là-Bas Biennale” CD Aureobel, Finland
comp110. untitled #238 [ • rec. 2009 ]
> rel. 2010 - compilation “Power/Field 2” CD Anarchy Moon, USA
comp111. untitled #200 [ • rec. 2007 ]
> rel. 2010 - compilation “La Mosca tras la Oreja” book+CDs Fundación Autor, Spain
comp112. untitled #240 [ • rec. 2009 ]
> rel. 2010 - compilation “Neumes du Vent” magazine+CD Fear Drop, France
comp113. untitled #241 [ • rec. 2010 ]
> rel. 2010 - compilation “Autistici Reworked” CD Audiobulb, UK
comp114. untitled #251 to untitled #263 [ • rec. 2010 ]
> rel. 2010 - compilation “A Tasty Swarm of Small Signals” CD Störung, Spain
comp115. untitled #265 [ • rec. 2010 ]
> rel. 2010 - compilation “Murcia Materia Sonora” CD Puertas de Castilla, Spain
comp116. untitled single piece #1 [ • rec. 1996 ]
> rel. 2010 - compilation “A Selection of Drones Past: Singles 1993-2000” CD Tumult Records, USA
comp117. untitled #197 [ • rec. 2007 ]
> rel. 2011 - compilation “Música salvaje desde el infinito cosmos” CD Buh Records, Peru
comp118. untitled #264 [ • rec. 2010 ]
> rel. 2011 - compilation “In The Bleak Wilderness Of Sleep” CD Audio Gourmet, UK
comp119. untitled #246 [ • rec. 2010 ]
> rel. 2011 - compilation “4 Elements” CD A Kuku Sztuka, M/i Magazine & Monotype Records, Poland
comp120. untitled #247 [ • rec. 2010 ]
> rel. 2011 - compilation “Ursonate001” 2xCD Ursonate, Spain
comp121. untitled #247 [ • rec. 2010 ]
> rel. 2011 - compilation “The Sound Ecology: Range” CD Nitkie, Russia
comp122. untitled #239 [ • rec. 2009 ]
> rel. 2011 - compilation “Saturación de mecanismos” 2xCD Buh Records, Peru
comp123. untitled #279 [ • rec. 2011 ]
> rel. 2011 - compilation “Marées de hauteurs diverses” CD Insubordinations / Tsuku Tsuku Grammophon, France
comp124. Hydro-Organic Machine Study [ • rec. 2011 ]
w/Paul Prudence
> rel. 2012 - compilation “Störung: sound & visual art” DVD+book Störung, Spain
comp125. Belle Confusion 969 (excerpt) [ • rec. 1996 ]
> rel. 2012 - compilation “Ars Sonora 25 Años” book+CD Fundación Autor, Spain
comp126. untitled #240 [ • rec. 2009 ]
> rel. 2012 - compilation “Oir Arte” CD Tres En Suma, Spain
comp127. untitled #236 [ • rec. 2009 ]
> rel. 2012 - compilation “1 minute autophypnosis” 3”CD Mute Sound Records, Spain
comp128. untitled #302 [ • rec. 2012 ]
> rel. 2012 - compilation “Glass is not that” CD Knoflenka, Czech Republic
comp129. Parana Aña [ • rec. 2010 ]
> rel. 2012 - compilation “Paraná Ra’anga” book-CD-DVD AECI, Spain, Argentina, Paraguay
comp130. untitled #296 [ • rec. 2012 ]
> rel. 2012 - compilation “Signal Void” USB stick Signal Void, UK
comp131. untitled #286 [ • rec. 2011 ]
> rel. 2012 - compilation “30 years and counting” CD Touch, UK
comp132. untitled #275 (excerpt) [ • rec. 2011 ]
> rel. 2013 - compilation “Vancouver New Music Panorama” Web release Giorgio Magnanensi, Canada
comp133. untitled #293 [ • rec. 2012 ]
> rel. 2013 - compilation “Framework Seasonal Issue #4” CD Framework Radio, UK
comp134. untitled #275 (excerpt) [ • rec. 2011 ]
> rel. 2013 - compilation “CyberArts 2012” Ars Electronica, Austria
comp135. untitled #288 [ • rec. 2011 ]
> rel. 2013 - compilation “Aquarius” Dronarivm, Russia
comp136. untitled #291 [ • rec. 2011 ]
> rel. 2013 - compilation “Fricciones 01” Fricciones, Chile
comp137. La Selva [excerpt] [ • rec. 1998 ]
> rel. 2012 - Journal Organised Sound, Cambridge University Press, USA
comp138. untitled #303 [ • rec. 2012 ]
> rel. 2013 - Book/CD compilation "Things That a Mutant Needs to Know", UnSounds, The Netherlands
comp139. untitled #297 [ • rec. 2012 ]
> rel. 2013 - CD compilation "shhh...+", Thisco, Portugal
comp140. untitled #275 [excerpt] [ • rec. 2011 ]
> rel. 2013 - CD compilation "Sound-In", Sound-In, Spain
comp141. Hydro Acoustic Study [ • rec. 2013 ]
w/Paul Prudence
> rel. 2013 - DVD compilation "Liquified Sky", Line, USA
comp142. untitled #316 [for zbigniew karkowski] [ • rec. 2014 ]
w/Zbigniew Karkowski
> rel. 2014 - DVD compilation "No Bullshit", SONM, Spain
comp143. untitled #295 [excerpt] [ • rec. 2012 ]
> rel. 2014 - CD compilation "GOD", God Records, Austria / His Voice, Czech Republic
comp144. untitled #319 [ • rec. 2014 ]
> rel. 2014 - 2xDVD compilation "audio-Mad / 100 audio-artists from Madrid", CentroCentro, Spain
comp145. untitled #315 [ • rec. 2013 ]
> rel. 2014 - 2xCD compilation "Monochrome Visions 2004-2014", Monochrome Vision, Russia
comp146. untitled #327 [ • rec. 2015 ]
> rel. 2015 - web release compilation "Dargelos STurm und Drag Revisited 2015", RIR, Spain/ Archive.org,USA
comp147. untitled #324 [ • rec. 2014]
> rel. 2015 - web release compilation "Siebhzen Bis", Crónica Electrónica, Portugal
comp148. untitled #292 [ • rec. 2011]
> rel. 2015 - Book+CD compilation "Animal Music. Sound and Song in the Natural SOng", Strange Attractor, UK/ Gruenrekorder, Germany
contr1. Hunting Lodge - "Will"
Sound materials
> rel. 1983 - LP S/M Operations, USA
>> res. 1992 - CD Dark Vinyl. Germany
contr2. Luis Mesa - "Ambient Complot"
Sound materials
> rel. 1991 - cassette Extrema Pasión, Spain
contr3. A.D. Eker - "The Remix 22, 23"
Francisco López's music remixed by A.D. Eker
> rel. 1991 - cassette Soft Joke Prods., The Netherlands
contr4. Jorge Valdemar Trio - "Analandia"
Compositions by Francisco López performed by the Jorge Valdemar Trio
> rel. 1991 - cassette Trans-Pharinx Muzik, Spain
contr5. Lópezant - "Succeeding Generations of Flies"
Sound materials
> rel. 1993 - cassette ZH27, USA
contr6. Dude - "Inframundos Fascinantes"
Francisco López's music remixed by Dude
> rel. 1997 - cassette Dude, Spain
contr7. Ralf Wehowsky - "Pullover"
Sound materials
> rel. 1997 - CD Table of thr Elements, USA
contr8. Audio Pollution - "Exposición Sonora 17/06/02"
Francisco López's music remixed by Audio Pollution
> rel. 2000 - CD Homa Records, Spain
contr9. Zan Hoffman - "Francisco for a Day"
Sound materials
> rel. 2000 - CD ZH27, USA
contr10. Metronom Catalogue 2000-2001
Curator of the Annual Experimental Music Week at Metronom Gallery, Barcelona
> rel. 2001 - DVDs + Book Metronom Gallery, Spain
contr11. Io Casino - "Mundo das Ferramentas"
Sound materials
> rel. 2001 - CD Gracia Territori Sonor, Spain
contr12. Eric Bernasek - "f.lo play (belle confusion mix)"
Francisco López's music remixed by Eric Bernasek
> rel. 2002 - CD Present Perfect, UK
contr13. Victor Nubla - "Antichron"
Sound materials
> rel. 2002 - CD Hronir, Spain
contr14. Luis Marte - "Voces"
Sound materials
> rel. 2002 - CD Fuga Records, Argentina
contr15. Zan Hoffman - "Zan Francisco Trio"
Sound materials
> rel. 2002 - CD ZH27, USA
contr16. Zanstones - "Ode to COntentious Fussy Lovelies"
Sound materials
> rel. 2002 - CD ZH27, USA
contr17. Rafael Flores - "El Sopor II"
Sound materials
> rel. 2003 - CD Self-Edition Rafael Flores, Spain
contr18. Zan Hoffman - "Indian Hills Sejours"
Sound materials
> rel. 2003 - cassette Zidsick, USA
contr19. Zan Hoffman - "Concert for 300 Magnetic Tapes"
Sound materials
> rel. 2003 - cassette Zidsick, USA
contr20. Zan Hoffman - "Ambient Complot"
Sound materials
> rel. 2003 - cassette Zidsick, USA
contr21. "Blank Field"
Curator of the Experimental Music Program for the event ‘Cité des Ondes’, organized by Champ Libre (Montreal, Sept. 2002)
> rel. 2003 - CD Alien8 Recordings, Canada
contr22. Jorge Valdemar Trio - "Mount Pleasant"
Compositions by Francisco López performed by the Jorge Valdemar Trio
> rel. 2003 - 3"CD Fuga Records, Argentina
contr23. Javier P. Aranda - "Restos de procesos científicos"
Soundtrack for installation
> rel. 2004 - DVD Metronom Gallery, Spain
contr24. Metronom Catalogue 2003-2004
Soundtrack for the installation “Restos de Procesos Científicos” by Javir P. Aranda
> rel. 2004 - DVD Metronom Gallery, Spain
contr25. Acid Mothers Temple - "Starless and the Bible Black Sabbath"
Mastering of the album
> rel. 2005 - CD Alien8 Recordings, Canada
contr26. Pablo Ventura - "Kubic's Cube"
Soundtrack for robotic installation by choreographer Pablo Ventura. Robot designed by Louis Philippe Demers
> rel. 2006 - DVD Self-Edition Pablo Ventura, Spain / Switzerland
contr27. Steirischer Herbst Festival Catalogue
Video excerpts from performance and lecture at Festival
> rel. 2007 - DVD Steirischer Herbst, Austria
contr28. Luis Marte - "Exploraciones Cotidianas"
Sound materials
> rel. 2007 - CD Fuga Records, Argentina
contr29. Mathew Adkins - "[60] Project"
Sound materials
> rel. 2008 - CD Empreintes Digitales, Canada
contr30. Frank Theys - "Technocalyps"
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
> rel. 2008 - DVD Innergy Collection, Belgium
contr31. Pietro Ripardelli & Sandro Gronchi - "Chthonian Music"
Sound materials
> rel. 2010 - CD Radical Matters, Italy
contr32. Slavek Kwi - "Chitin"
Field recordings
> rel. 2012 - CD Taâlem, France
contr33. Israel Martínez - "In Memoriam"
Sound materials
> rel. 2013 - Online release Suplex, Mexico
contr34. Chthonian Music - "Chthonian Music"
Sound materials
> rel. 2013 - Cold Spring, UK
contr35. Jorge Simonet - "2:36"
Original soundtrack short film
> rel. 2013 - DVD self-released Jorge Simonet, Spain
contr36. Novi_sad - "Neuroplanets"
Sound materials
> rel. 2013 - CD SubRosa, Belgium
contr37. Esplendor Geométrico - "Ultraphoon"
Album mastering
> rel. 2013 - CD & LP Geometrik Records, Spain
contr38. Various Artists - "Inframundos Fascinantes"
Francisco López's music remixed by various artists
> rel. 2013 - Web Release, Espais, Spain
contr39. Amy Denio - "Prodigal Light"
Sound materials
> rel. 2013 - Digital Album, Amy Denio, USA
contr40. François Ducat - "Ascése"
Original Sound Enviornmental Recordings for film soundtrack
> rel. 2013 - DVD Seingalt, Belgium
contr41. antonio murga - "Ascése"
Sound materials
> rel. 2015 - Online Endo Gamic, Spain
contr42. barbara ellison - "sonic phantoms"
Album mastering
> rel. 2015 - 2xCD Barbara Ellison, The Netherlands
book1. Hans U. Werner - "Soundscape Design"
Includes Francisco López’s essay “Schizophonia vs. l’Objet Sonore”, plus a short track in the accompanying CD
> published 1997 - Akroama, Germany
book2. Avant Music Guide
Includes feature article on Francisco López’s music
> published 1999 - Sakuhinsha, Japan
book3. Ralph Lemon - "Geography"
Written accounts of the development of the dance performance “Geography” by Ralph Lemon with music by Francisco López
> published 2000 - Wesleyan University Press, USA
book4. David Rothenberg & Martha Ulvaeus Eds. - "The Book of Music and Nature"
Includes Francisco López’s essay “Blind Listening”, plus a short track in the accompanying CD
> published 2001 - Wesleyan University Press, USA
book5. "Proceso Sónico" exhibition book
Includes Francisco López’s essay “La filosofía Cageana: una versión retorcida del paradigma de procedimentalismo clásico”
> published 2002 - Museum of Contemporary Art Barcelona, Spain
book6. "Substantials #01" workshop book
Includes Francisco López’s essay “Wine & Dust”, plus a short track in the accompanying CD
> published 2002 - Center for Contemporary Art Kita-Kyushu, Japan
book7. Katharine Norman - "Sounding Art"
Includes analysis section on Francisco López’s piece “untitled #90”, plus a short track in the accompanying CD
> published 2004 - Ashgate Publishing Limited, UK
book8. Various Authors - "Zehar: Perspectives on Listening"
Includes Francisco López’s essay “Against the Stage”
> published 2004 - Arteleku, Basque Country, Spain
book9. Christoph Cox & Daniel Warner Eds. - "Audio Culture. Readings in Modern Music"
Includes Francisco López’s essay “Profound Listening and Environmental Sound Matter”
> published 2005 - Continuum International Publishing Group, USA
book10. Carlos Asensio-Wandosell - "Miguel Fisac. Ensamblaje con vacíos"
Includes feature article on Francisco López’s music
> published 2007 - Ministerio de Vivienda, Spain
book11. FoArm
Includes Francisco López’s essay “Towards the blur”
> published 2007 - FoArm, USA
book12. Thomas Bey William Bailey - "Micro-Bionic. Radical Electronic Music & Sound Arts in the 21st Century"
Includes feature chapter on Francisco López, plus a short track in the accompanying CD of the 100c-limited hardback edition
> published 2009 - Creation Books, USA
book13. Various Authors - "Médium Hang Esztétika"
Includes Francisco López’s essay “A színpad ellen” (Hungarian translation of the essay “Against the stage”)
> published 2009 - Universitas Zeged Kiadó, Hungary
book14. Various Authors - "Esemplasticism: The Truth is a Compromise"
Includes Francisco López’s essay “Against the Stage”
> published 2010 - TAG & DISK/CTM - Club Transmediale, Germany
book15. Llorenç Barber & Montserrat Palacios - "La mosca tras la oreja"
Includes feature article about Francisco López, plus a track in the accompanying CD
> published 2010 - Fundación Autor, Spain
book16. Various Authors - "Arcana Festival St Gallen Gesaeuse"
Includes Francisco López’s text “Reality and virtuality in phenomenological sound matter”
> published 2010 - Arcana Festival fuer Neue Musik, Austria
book17. Various Authors - "ARTe SONoro"
Includes Francisco López’s essay “Against the Stage” in its original English version plus Spanish translation
> published 2010 - La Casa Encendida, Spain
book18 Various Authors - "Kultura Dzwieku"
Includes Francisco López’s essay “Profound Listening and Environmental Sound Matter” in Polish translation
> published 2010 - Obraz Terytoria, Poland
book19 Various Authors - "Soundscape in the Arts"
Includes Francisco López’s essay “Wine and Dust” (Norwegian and English)
> published 2011 - Norsk senter for teknologi i musikk og kunst, Norway
book20 Various Authors - "Ikus-Entzunezko Erakusketa"
Includes Francisco López’s essay “Schizophonia vs. l’objet sonore: soundscapes and artistic freedom” in Spanish Translation
> published 2011 - Fundación BBVA, Basque Country, Spain
book21 Various Authors - "11 Artistas en una Cámara Frigorífica. Conversations on Site-Specific Art"
Includes interview and catalog information on Francisco López’s sound installation “Sound Immersion Chamber”
> published 2011 - Matadero Madrid, Spain
book22 Various Authors - "Making the Walls Quake as if They were Dilating with the Secret Knowledge of Great Powers"
Includes Francisco López & Klaus Schuwerk’s text “Tonhaus”
> published 2012 - Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland
book23 Various Authors - "Antibothis - Occultural Anthology 4"
Includes Francisco López’s essay “Towards the blur”
> published 2013 - Antibothis / Thisco, Portugal
book24 Cathy Lane & Angus Carlyle Eds. - "In the Field. The Art of Field Recording"
Includes interview with Francisco López
> published 2013 - Uniform Books, UK
book25 Alexis Baghat & Greg Gangemi Eds. - "Sound Generation"
Includes interview with Francisco López
> published 2013 - Autonomedia, USA
book26 Angus Carlyle & Cathy Lane Eds. - "On Listening"
Includes Francisco López's essay "Wine and Dust"
> published 2013 - Uniform Books, UK
book27 Various Authors - "Entre el arte sonoro y el arte de la escucha"
Includes interview with Francisco López
> published 2012 - Arte y Políticas de Identidad, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
book28 Miguel Carvalhais & Pedro Tudela Eds. - "Cochlear Poetics: Writtings on Music and Sound Arts"
Includes Francisco López's essay "Music Dematerialzed?"
> published 2013 - Mono Magazine, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
book29 christoph cox & daniel warner Eds. - "audio kultura"
Includes Francisco López’s essay “Profound Listening and Environmental Sound Matter” in Slovakian translation
> published 2015 - Music Centre Slovakia, Slovakia
Most of the above releases are also available through the following distributors:
- Spain: Diskpol, Rotor
- Europe: Metamkine
- North America: Forced Exposure